Category Archives: green party

The Results

Video and numbers for now. More to come.

Liberal, Bob Rae: 14,187, 59.2%
NDP-New Democratic Party, El-Farouk Khaki: 3,299, 13.8%
Green Party, Chris Tindal: 3,263, 13.6%
Conservative, Donald Meredith: 2,982, 12.5%
AAEV Party of Canada, Liz White: 123, 0.5%
CAP, Doug Plumb: 97, 0.4%

Total number of valid votes: 23,951
Polls reporting: 275/275
Voter turnout: 23,951 of 85,976 registered electors (27.9%)

Election Eve Blogging

There’s something in the air. Sitting here in our campaign office, every computer is occupied with volunteers working to make sure everything’s ready for tomorrow. My email inbox is suddenly filling up with best wishes from family and friends (some of whom I haven’t heard from in years), as is my Facebook wall.

By any measure, this Green campaign has already been Toronto’s most successful ever. We have heard from far more supporters, delivered far more signs, raised more money, and received more media attention and endorsements than would have seemed possible when I first ran just two years ago. More importantly for me, we’ve also driven the agenda in a substantial way (more on this later).

Now, we need your vote. Call our office if you have any questions or need a ride. And happy St. Patrick’s day to all!