Two Days To Go
I'm blogging from inside "the green house," a rented London home filled with 30+ volunteers from across the country. And yet, that's nothing compared to the approximately 75 people who were in the Elizabeth May campaign office for this morning's briefing, or the others who showed up later.
We're very optimistic here. And we have reason. For example, check out the final results of this poll from

Ok, I know, that's not a scientific poll, but boy is that a good margin. Regardless, maybe you should also check out this leaked NDP poll which puts us neck and neck with the Liberals (and the NDP and Conservative candidates "out of the race").
Also, check out this news story on tonight's Saturday Report on CBC. (Update: that link now goes directly to the right video clip.) I did three showings of it on my laptop here in the house to make sure everyone had a chance to see it.
Finally, today's letters to the editor in the London Free Press could not have been more positive for Elizabeth, or given more compelling reasons why now is the time to vote Green.
Today's message? Elizabeth has a real shot here, and she is the strategic choice. You, or someone you know in London North Centre, could be her winning vote. If you're here or know someone who is, please make that appeal. The house of commons doesn't need another back-bencher; it needs Elizabeth. (The green house, on the other hand, needs to settle down so I can get to sleep!)
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