All posts by Chris Tindal

Chris Tindal vs. Talk Radio

Here it is folks. For the record, my first appearance as a commercial radio panelist, broadcast live this morning on AM640 in Toronto.

Chris Tindal on John Oakley Part 1 We talk about dog parks, dogs in general, and what they may or may not have to do with Muslims. I stay out of it as much as possible.

Chris Tindal on John Oakley Part 2 We talk about carbon taxes, and what they may or may not have to do with Paris Hilton.

Interestingly enough, everyone on the panel (plus I think John Oakley himself) liked the idea of a carbon tax in principal, but we did get into a discussion around the details. Since the Green Party is the only party advocating for a carbon tax at all, I take that as a good sign.


Steal These Ideas

When I wrote yesterday about (among other things) the need for higher gas prices, I actually had no idea that Elizabeth May was simultaneously holding a press-conference to announce the Green Party Climate Plan: A New Energy Revolution to Avert Global Catastrophe (PDF). But wow, talk about consistency of message. The plan proposes a $50 carbon tax, which would affect gas prices by about twelve cents.

I’m very proud to be associated with this bold plan (which isn’t just about gas prices, but is very detailed), and overall I’m pleased with the reaction to it as well. (Heck, even the Toronto Sun’s Lorrie Goldstein said we have to “give…Elizabeth May credit” for being the only party leader willing to “actually [state] the painfully obvious.”) It’s telling that the biggest criticism being voiced so far is not about if this is a good plan or not, but instead if it’s a good or bad way to get votes. I talked a lot about that yesterday as well, but Elizabeth also responded to that concern in an online discussion this afternoon (in fact, it was the first question):

The Green Party sees its role as advancing the right solutions — even if they are not immediately politically popular.

When all the other parties pander toward what they believe Canadians want, it’s no wonder that so many citizens demand leadership. Leadership is taking stands and advancing solutions that really make sense, before they become ‘flavour of the month.’

The second question, predictably, was from someone who was supportive of the plan, but wanted to make sure the revenue from the carbon tax would be used to reduce other taxes. Yes, Elizabeth explained, it would. This is not actually a tax increase, as some would have you believe. It is, instead, a tax shift, which would result in lower income and payroll taxes.

The third question, like clockwork, questions the plan’s effect on the economy. Elizabeth responds:

I have found that corporate Canada is innovative and able to adjust to a changing business climate once the signals are clear and the rules of the game are clear.

On the climate issue, this has not been the case. Previous and current ministers talk one line to gain votes, leave industry confused and then back off real action, often with the result of punishing the leaders and rewarding the laggards.

On the acid rain issue, 20 years ago, the government made the rules of the game clear. Sulphur dioxide emissions had to be reduced by 50 per cent on a set time table. Industry protested, but then got down to the business of business.

Companies like Inco actually increased profits once they realized that tantrums and threats were not persuasive in moving the government from its goals. The necessity of meeting the emission reduction goals drove new technologies. Inco captured the sulphur in the smokestack and sold the captured sulphur, improving their bottom line.

Putting a cost on carbon will have the same effect on business today. Some of the most successful corporations in the world have already proven that reducing emissions increases profits. IBM, Dupont, Alcan — to name a few — have all more than met Kyoto targets while saving millions. Many global corporations are very accustomed to carbon taxes.

The four most competitive and productive economies in the European Union all have carbon tax regimes.

Most unique about the whole thing was Elizabeth’s plea to Stephen Harper and all other parties (the Green Party of Canada is currently the only federal party advocating for a carbon tax) to “please steal these ideas.” Conventional wisdom says parties shouldn’t release major plans outside of an election period, because then other parties will steal them and get the credit. What Elizabeth is actually indicating, then, is that we don’t care about the credit, we just want to make sure the job gets done. Good on her.

Elsewhere In The Green-A-Verse

Last week, P.E.I. had a provincial election. Not only did the Green party finish third (ahead of the NDP), they did so even though it was their first ever provincial election in that province.

I’m adding this to the list of Green accomplishments that we were previously told were impossible. (You know, things like running a candidate in every riding, doing it a second time, getting over half a million votes in a federal election, doing it again, having a nationally televised policy conference, almost beating the Liberals in London North Centre, tying the NDP in a federal poll. That kind of thing.)

And here’s a not so funny story. In order to report the election results, Canadian Press provided a web tool to newspapers like The Guardian and The Globe and Mail. It was programmed to accept the voting results and convert them into a graphical representation. The only problem is, they hard-coded the Green Party into the “other” category. So, no matter how many votes the Green Party of P.E.I. received, they wouldn’t show up. No one would have noticed, except for when the Greens got more votes than the NDP, CP kept incorrectly showing the NDP in third place. It wasn’t until CP received numerous complaints that they went in and corrected it a day later. Apparently the possibility of the Green Party finishing third had never occurred to them.

One can only assume they will not underestimate us again.